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Video Transcript

Please review the following in reference to our introduction video.

Timestamp 00:00:

The video shows Foresight Optometry building and sign.  A patient is walking into the lobby.  They are greeted by the receptionist.  The doctor is then shown having a consultation with the patient.

The narrator states: “At Foresight Optometry, our focus is providing quality care for your vision and eye health.”

Timestamp 00:08:

The Doctor is shown giving a patient an eye exam.  The Doctor uses diagnostic equipment on patient-multiple takes/angles.  The video pans a Frames display case.  A patient is trying on frames.

The narrator states: “We provide thorough exams, and tailored vision solutions: state of the art lenses, designer frames, regular and specialty contacts, and more.”

Timestamp 00:17:

A Patient is shown smiling while an employee assists a patient with specialty contacts or frames.

Kim Jarvis, a patient, states: “I love coming here because I”m always greeted very warmly.  Dr. John takes time to help me understand how to take care of my eyes better so that I can see clearer, longer in my life.  And I really appreciate that.”

Timestamp 00:28:

The video displays text on the screen with the logo and contact information.  Their website is displayed as:

The narrator states: “Foresight Optometry, vision and eye care at the speed of life.”